Conservation Biology & Molecular Ecology
Research in the lab of Dr. Tyler Kartzinel focuses on conservation biology and is enriched by perspectives ranging from community ecology to genomics. We aim to understand the rules that determine where species live, who they interact with, and how they respond to perturbations.
Our integrative approach spans scales from whole-ecosystem field experiments through DNA-based laboratory analyses to illuminate crucial processes in evolutionary ecology that are rare or otherwise difficult to observe. We collaborate with communities and organizations around the world to amplify the value of our research and to confront real-world conservation challenges.
Our integrative approach spans scales from whole-ecosystem field experiments through DNA-based laboratory analyses to illuminate crucial processes in evolutionary ecology that are rare or otherwise difficult to observe. We collaborate with communities and organizations around the world to amplify the value of our research and to confront real-world conservation challenges.
Lab News
Feb 2025. Videvall, Gill, et al. publish paper on giraffe diets and microbiomes!
Jan 2025. Beth launches new lab as PI with a Prize Fellowship!
Jan 2025. Courtney publishes paper in Journal of Experimental Biology!
Dec 2024. Workshop with Save the Elephants in Kenya
Sept 2024. Beth publishes major paper on what fuels wildlife migrations in Yellowstone; Featured in News@Brown!
May 2024. Amanda Lyons delivers keynote on terrapin genetics!
May 2024. Graduating seniors win prizes, head to grad school!
May 2024. Hannah wins competitive grant to study plants in Yellowstone!
May 2024. Bianca's rodent microbiome paper published in Ecosphere!
April 2024. Lab awarded OVPR seed award for Life Sciences
January 2024. Anna Jackson joins the team as Lab Manager!
December 2023. Bethan Littleford-Colquhoun's CRISPR-based barcode paper published!
November 2023. Elin Videvall wins prestigious starting grant to join the faculty at Uppsala!
September 2023. Welcome to grad students Joselyne Chavez and Montana Stone!
August 2023. Advertisement for new Lab Manager position in Ecological Genomics!
August 2023. Welcome Dr. Mary Burak, 2023 Fulbright and Voss Postdoctoral Fellow!
July 2023. Eliza Atwood's Yellowstone research profiled by News @Brown
July 2023. Brian Gill publishes on elephant behavior; featured in news at Brown!
June 2023. Bethan Littleford-Colquhoun posts preprint on CRISPR-based barcoding!
June 2023. Thomas Patti publishes "Bite and Seek" paper in BJLS!
May 2023. Caroline Dressler wins Kidwell Price in Biology!
May 2023. Andy Luo wins Fulbright to Taiwan!
May 2023. Robert Ang'ila publishes paper in African Journal of Ecology!
March 2023. Courtney defends dissertation!
March 2023. Maddy wins 2023 Caleel Memorial Fellowship!
March 2023. Beth wins 2023 Postdoctoral Excellence Award from Brown!
February 2023. Bianca publishes paper on phylosymbiosis in Molecular Ecology!
November 2022. Ezequiel participates in the first study of Giant Armadillos from Argentina!
October 2022. Recent paper published by Lizard Team in Herpetological Review!
October 2022. Beth publishes News & Views in Molecular Ecology!
September 2022. Announcing new PhD student opportunities in the lab!
September 2022. Haldre Rogers visits the lab!
September 2022. Welcome Hannah Hoff!
August 2022. Ezequiel Vanderhoeven awarded 2022 OTS Early Career Fellowship!
August 2022. Colin Donihue accepts Data Analyst position at Brown University!
August 2022. Leo Malingati featured on episode of Wildlife Warriors!
July 2022. Yellowstone fieldwork as a group this summer!
June 2022. Welcome to Natalie Nantais, the new manager of our Molecular Ecology lab!
May 2022. Congratulations to Thomas Patti for earning Honors and moving on to work for Audubon Vermont!
April 2022. Courtney wins American Society of Naturalists Student Research Award!
April 2022. Courtney's photo on the Cover of Ecology, highlighting recent paper!
March 2022. Congratulations to Caroline Dressler for earning a Voss Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
March 2022. Recruiting to fill a Research Assistant position in the lab!
March 2022. Patrick Freeman publishes his thesis on wildlife in the Mpala ForestGEO plot!
February 2022. Elin wins *BEST TALK* at the Revolution 2022 conference in Uppsala.
January 2022. Beth leads a critical new review on dietary DNA in Molecular Ecology.
January 2022. Courtney continues to triumph with two new grants!
October 2021. Robert Ang'ila successfully defends thesis!
October 2021. Welcome to our new colony of lab lizards!
September 2021. Congrats to Eze on a Rufford Award!
September 2021. Warm welcome to Ian Maywar!
July 2021. Recruiting to fill two open positions: a PhD student and Research Assistant!
June 2021. Feature profile of Bianca Brown published in the Brown Alumni Magazine!
June 2021. Congratulations Courtney Reed on winning the 2021 ASM Patton Award!
June 2021. Bianca Brown gave an excellent PhD defense -- congratulations Dr. Brown!
June 2021. Tyler's NSF CAREER award is funded (DEB-2046797)!
June 2021. Welcome to Camela Moore from the Leadership Alliance!
June 2021. Welcome to Logan Torres from the Brown Presidential Scholars Program!
June 2021. Welcome to Ezequiel Vanderhoeven, D.V.M., Ph.D., CONICET international postdoctoral fellow!
May 2021. Congratulations Amanda Lyons '20 BS, '21 MS on a stellar Masters thesis!
May 2021. Congratulations Camille Tulloss '21 for earning Honors and a Senior Prize in Biology!
March 2021. Congratulations to Fabiola Meyer-Garza for earning a Voss Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
Posting updates was placed on the backburner for most of the pandemic; as of May 2021, we are hoping to post more regularly again soon. Please see our News blog for more posts.
Feb 2025. Videvall, Gill, et al. publish paper on giraffe diets and microbiomes!
Jan 2025. Beth launches new lab as PI with a Prize Fellowship!
Jan 2025. Courtney publishes paper in Journal of Experimental Biology!
Dec 2024. Workshop with Save the Elephants in Kenya
Sept 2024. Beth publishes major paper on what fuels wildlife migrations in Yellowstone; Featured in News@Brown!
May 2024. Amanda Lyons delivers keynote on terrapin genetics!
May 2024. Graduating seniors win prizes, head to grad school!
May 2024. Hannah wins competitive grant to study plants in Yellowstone!
May 2024. Bianca's rodent microbiome paper published in Ecosphere!
April 2024. Lab awarded OVPR seed award for Life Sciences
January 2024. Anna Jackson joins the team as Lab Manager!
December 2023. Bethan Littleford-Colquhoun's CRISPR-based barcode paper published!
November 2023. Elin Videvall wins prestigious starting grant to join the faculty at Uppsala!
September 2023. Welcome to grad students Joselyne Chavez and Montana Stone!
August 2023. Advertisement for new Lab Manager position in Ecological Genomics!
August 2023. Welcome Dr. Mary Burak, 2023 Fulbright and Voss Postdoctoral Fellow!
July 2023. Eliza Atwood's Yellowstone research profiled by News @Brown
July 2023. Brian Gill publishes on elephant behavior; featured in news at Brown!
June 2023. Bethan Littleford-Colquhoun posts preprint on CRISPR-based barcoding!
June 2023. Thomas Patti publishes "Bite and Seek" paper in BJLS!
May 2023. Caroline Dressler wins Kidwell Price in Biology!
May 2023. Andy Luo wins Fulbright to Taiwan!
May 2023. Robert Ang'ila publishes paper in African Journal of Ecology!
March 2023. Courtney defends dissertation!
March 2023. Maddy wins 2023 Caleel Memorial Fellowship!
March 2023. Beth wins 2023 Postdoctoral Excellence Award from Brown!
February 2023. Bianca publishes paper on phylosymbiosis in Molecular Ecology!
November 2022. Ezequiel participates in the first study of Giant Armadillos from Argentina!
October 2022. Recent paper published by Lizard Team in Herpetological Review!
October 2022. Beth publishes News & Views in Molecular Ecology!
September 2022. Announcing new PhD student opportunities in the lab!
September 2022. Haldre Rogers visits the lab!
September 2022. Welcome Hannah Hoff!
August 2022. Ezequiel Vanderhoeven awarded 2022 OTS Early Career Fellowship!
August 2022. Colin Donihue accepts Data Analyst position at Brown University!
August 2022. Leo Malingati featured on episode of Wildlife Warriors!
July 2022. Yellowstone fieldwork as a group this summer!
June 2022. Welcome to Natalie Nantais, the new manager of our Molecular Ecology lab!
May 2022. Congratulations to Thomas Patti for earning Honors and moving on to work for Audubon Vermont!
April 2022. Courtney wins American Society of Naturalists Student Research Award!
April 2022. Courtney's photo on the Cover of Ecology, highlighting recent paper!
March 2022. Congratulations to Caroline Dressler for earning a Voss Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
March 2022. Recruiting to fill a Research Assistant position in the lab!
March 2022. Patrick Freeman publishes his thesis on wildlife in the Mpala ForestGEO plot!
February 2022. Elin wins *BEST TALK* at the Revolution 2022 conference in Uppsala.
January 2022. Beth leads a critical new review on dietary DNA in Molecular Ecology.
January 2022. Courtney continues to triumph with two new grants!
October 2021. Robert Ang'ila successfully defends thesis!
October 2021. Welcome to our new colony of lab lizards!
September 2021. Congrats to Eze on a Rufford Award!
September 2021. Warm welcome to Ian Maywar!
July 2021. Recruiting to fill two open positions: a PhD student and Research Assistant!
June 2021. Feature profile of Bianca Brown published in the Brown Alumni Magazine!
June 2021. Congratulations Courtney Reed on winning the 2021 ASM Patton Award!
June 2021. Bianca Brown gave an excellent PhD defense -- congratulations Dr. Brown!
June 2021. Tyler's NSF CAREER award is funded (DEB-2046797)!
June 2021. Welcome to Camela Moore from the Leadership Alliance!
June 2021. Welcome to Logan Torres from the Brown Presidential Scholars Program!
June 2021. Welcome to Ezequiel Vanderhoeven, D.V.M., Ph.D., CONICET international postdoctoral fellow!
May 2021. Congratulations Amanda Lyons '20 BS, '21 MS on a stellar Masters thesis!
May 2021. Congratulations Camille Tulloss '21 for earning Honors and a Senior Prize in Biology!
March 2021. Congratulations to Fabiola Meyer-Garza for earning a Voss Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
Posting updates was placed on the backburner for most of the pandemic; as of May 2021, we are hoping to post more regularly again soon. Please see our News blog for more posts.